Landscape Ideas - Rock & Stonework
Check out our portfolio for some great landscape design ideas, including Rock & Stonework
Rock Gardens & Rain Gardens
With so many types of rock and stone to choose, they make for a colorful and interesting addition to a garden. Rock is beneficial in a landscape too. Here we have installed a "rain garden", which uses different sizes of stone and water-loving plants to slow the flow of water runoff.
Rock Used for Landscape Steps
Rock are commonly used for landscape steps. These stone risers blend into the natural landscape with plants nestled amongst them.
Rock Used for Hillside Stability
Rock and plants are commonly used to stabilize a hillside. Here we use a variety of rock and bushes to provide both an attractive hillside and one that is not as likely to erode.
Rock Used in Hillside Terracing
Creating a hillside terrace is a great way to provide usable space, a walking path, or planting area. Large rock are commonly used for terracing, as well as other materials (such as timber or cement block.)
Rock & Plants Used in Hillside Landscaping
Large rock set in a hill does more than just hold back the earth. Together with plants, they create a beautiful landscape. Here vines gracefully surround the stone which creates an attractive wall.
Rock Outcroppings
A rock (or stone) outcropping is just another way of saying, "A large stone that protrudes out of the ground"...or you might call it, "A nice place to sit after a stroll around the garden." Either way, rock outcroppings might be the perfect feature to add to your landscape installation.
Swale Installation
Rock is also used in swale construction. Similar to rain gardens, a swale is a shallow pathway that is designed to collect excess water. This landscape installation uses rock in a variety of ways, including a stone patio and rock outcroppings.
Stone Walls
Stone walls are timeless, taking us back generations. Here the small stone wall frames a stone patio and doubles as a place to sit and reminisce